Prevent the change of season for your horses

202110 - Fall equine cure - Toxins and Parasites

The summer period ending the organization of horses prepare for changes in temperature, rhythm or even diet. Symptoms may appear accompanied by lack of energy. An opposite phenomenon can also happen, an overflowing dynamism due to a newfound freshness. Depending on their behavior, it will be necessary to support them to help them as best as possible to overcome this change of season. In this article we will provide an overview of the points to be vigilant in taking care of your mount.

Accumulated toxins are not welcome

202110 - Equine cure - Toxins - 2

Make no mistake, your equine is greedy! Like man, he takes advantage of spring and summer to enjoy a good meal in the meadows with his friends. But just like the man too, he goes too far, even if in his case it is a question of making reserves for the seasons to come. All this food helps him get through the cold and wet periods ... but his food also plays a more controversial role on vital organs such as liver and waist. Just that ! Don't worry, no animosity towards you, just his body working him. A good cleaning of spring autumn is essential.

202110 - Horse treatment - Tips

Some clues?

In order to know if your mount needs you, some external signs can put you on the alert

"I am tired"
Tiredness , little enthusiasm, lack of dynamism. These elements can be the translation of toxins present in number in the body.

“My dress has lost its splendor”
Le cheval, being so radiant, not shining, her skin is oily and its hairs are dull, the toxins may already be present.

Intense program: Strengthening, drainage and stimulation

Very common terms, but what exactly is behind it all?


Before a curative treatment, a solution from the sea can help your equine. No it's not a mistake, this one has a name, the Spirulina, algae very beneficial for the organism. Indeed, it has a high protein content, participating in the strengthening of muscle fibers and the evacuation oflactic acide. In our desire to promote the evacuation of toxins, spirulina also intervenes with the immune system by strengthening it thanks to these protein. Finally it is rich in trace elements, vitamins et minerals. A true partner for the well-being of your cheval.

Drain // Detoxify

A term in vogue at the moment especially among the bipeds that we are. It simply means ”remove the residual waste “. In reality, the drainage is already carried out by vital organs in humans and animals. So why are we talking about making a drainage ? Firstly, it is not systematic, secondly it is not useful / suitable for all horses (age is taken into account) and finally it is necessary only when the body cannot fully fulfill its role.


Beyond integrating draining agents into the diet, it is possible to stimulate the vital organs, especially the liver and kidneys so that they can fulfill their roles on their own. Some solutions also make it possible to stimulate blood circulation du cheval and digestive system.

A few tips and products

Now that the introductions are done, let's drain et let's stimulate together ! :

  • He / She certainly loves his food, however it should not be too rich;
  • The natural products are, very often, sufficient for the contribution necessary to fill the deficiencies;
  • La spirulina powder, from the laboratory CDN Horse
  • Le Diurepar Horses, from the laboratory GREENPEX, is a dietetic food adapted to support this phase of drainage ;
  • Le Drainosyl, from the laboratory Boiron, homeopathic solution allowing to support the digestive system ;
  • theEkyrenal +, from the laboratory AUDEVARD, dietary supplement for the liver and kidneys ;
  • Un grooming regular and applied helps promote blood circulation and helpelimination of toxins ;
  • And above all, a lot of love marks, but we have no doubts about you on the subject;

Say goodbye to invaders, deworming

202110 - Equine cure - Parasites

Before entering the paddocks, after this successful season, great gallops, walks on the winding paths of our countryside, your equine can be accompanied. Make no mistake, we are not talking about beautiful stallion accompanying your Mare, but indeed malicious beings who do not want good for your beautiful. Stop the suspense, we are talking about parasites responding to the sweet names of studs, ticks for the “external” or ofhelminth, strongyles, tapeworm, gastrophiles, pinworms for “interns”. We must act, the solution is deworming.

External parasites are visible, but what about internal parasites?

Some symptoms or clues let you know that treatment is needed. However, we recommend that you visit your veterinarian to be sure. If you notice diarrhea, colic, a bloated stomach or a excess fatigue, it may be that these pests are present. You can also see in the dung, depending on the p present, the presence oflarvae eggs, but again no treatment without confirming your impressions with a professional.

When and how often to treat?

The discourse of specialists diverges, however we will retain two periods: the spring and l'fall. In terms of frequency, treatment two to four times a year is suitable for saying goodbye to those p.

Beyond the curative aspect, a preventive treatment is recommended twice a year to avoid p to put down their luggage. An Azymic based solution can be a solution to help protect.

Let's dislodge these parasites

We will retain the following advice:

  • If you notice the presence of p, consult your veterinarian to propose an adapted treatment;
  • As a preventive treatment,Azymic from the laboratory Neo Lupus is a natural herbal dewormer;
  • Le CDN Horse, Garlic powder, from the laboratory MyGroom : Thegarlic powder is an ideal ally against p. It is also a natural repellent against the insects ;
  • Le Parasitex - Natural dewormer for horses, laboratory eccup : Acting directly on the intestinal flora, The Parasitex is a natural solution suitable against p ;
  • Solutions worming in pharmacy.

With all that I think the season can begin. Entry into the boxes will be seamless.