All you need to know about mud scab and how to act

202112 - Mud scab or dermatophilosis - Products-veto

I introduce myself my name is De Boue, Mud Scab, Dermatophilosis for close friends

No family relationship with France ...

202112 - Mud scab or dermatophilosis - Rebus - Horse -

I think you would have preferred not to meet her but unfortunately she does not ask your opinion to come to your place. France Mud scab, scientifically named dermatophilosis is not your best friend cheval. You can recognize it by the appearance of scabs on the pasterns, injury on rump or tourniquet. Although it does not itch, the Mud scab may be painful for your mount. You have been warned! don't make us say what we haven't said, crusts is not necessarily synonymous with Mud scab. To make sure, as always, we invite you to make a one-on-one meeting (of course your mount must be present, you will postpone your butterflies until later) with your veterinary. It should not be confused with scabies or eczema, which is why professional diagnosis is essential.

Where am I from, where am I going?

It's a bit intimate as a question but hey

The Origin of Mud scab is crystal clear. Absolutely nothing to do with the parasites of Scabies but it develops in a humid environment and muddy. Just like you, your mount is not a fan of rain and mud. The mud for a thermal cure YES but not under the shoes clogs NO. If your horses frolic in the muddy meadows and their limbs remain loaded after the ride, themud scab disease risk of developing.

The season plays a role even if it is not legion. Indeed, the appearance of the mud mange is mainly seen in winter and on a smaller scale in fall. However, it happens among horses having fair skin, to develop this skin condition stimulated by the sun's rays in summer.

The four seasons of The Mud Gale

In spring and summer I leave you alone ... Well, almost

Distinctive signs, how do I recognize myself?

You will recognize me crust, what crust!

My name is Croute

202112 - Mud scab or dermatophilosis - My name is Croute - Horse -

As previously mentioned, one of the first facts is the appearance of crusts at the level of members and more particularly of pasterns. The hairs clump together, and the skin is “raw”, irritated causing severe pain to your skin. cheval when traveling.

I (am in) a box

202112 - Mud mange or dermatophilosis - Horsebook, the horse's Facebook page - Horse -

Your mount has more and more difficulty moving around in his box or in the meadows. This is not a new trendy approach unearthed on HorseBook (the equine version of Facebook) but pains that begin to bother him in his movements.

I have a good back!

202112 - Mud scab or dermatophilosis - I have a good back - Horse -

La mud mange is not confined to members, pasterns of your mount. You will sometimes find it on the of , rump and tourniquet. It comes in the form ofskin conditionirritated skin and often more sparse hair on and around the condition.

I like you!

202112 - Mud scab or dermatophilosis - Tu me plai'e's - Horse -

Making the skin more fragile, the mud mange can promote the appearance of wounds at the passage of harnesses. Be vigilant if you detect reluctance in your Mare Or your standard when laying the saddle or the filet.

I came, I saw…. and I will not win!

…. Or more at least.

The reign of the dermatophilosis is over, a cheval warned is worth two! Now that the enemy is identified we will be able to prepare as best as possible to avoid it and / or fight it. Simple tips will help you avoid the onset of mud mange. As a reminder, the two flags of this affection are none other than the dirt and l'humidity, so :

  • Avoid the accumulation of mud : If there is a meadow outing, think about bandage (admit that you did not see this coming) correctly the cheval and remove all the mud that collects on the clogs et pasterns ;
  • Dry the horse well : NO, do not try it does not fit in the dryer and as its name suggests it is for the laundry. However, take the time to dry your cheval from the mouth to clogs ;
  • We stay warm : Prevention is better than cure, wet weather is the best ally of the mud mange. For the season it is better to leave your warm frame in a dry and clean box.

202112 - Mud scab or dermatophilosis - You're serious - Horse -

How is it too late?

What did you not follow our advice? Yes ? Well indeed these are tips, we are not magicians but you reduce the risk for your cheval to contract it. In the event that the mud mange has taken its apartments on the members of your cheval, finally if you think so, here are the actions to take:

  • Go to your vet : No we are not rambling, but once again your analysis is undoubtedly the right one, however it may be beneficial to seek the advice of a professional. In addition, depending on the progress of the mud mange, it may be necessary to set up antibiotic treatment;
  • Mowing of limbs : The bristles retain moisture, clipping them reduces maceration on the pasterns.
  • Clean up and disinfect scabs and wounds : It is necessary to clean the wounds and crusts well then to propose the disinfection of the affected areas. The use of povidum (name of the molecule used in Betadine) can help you at this stage. Product solutions: Activ Scrub - AUDEVARD, Povidum scrub - Audevard, Povidum solution - Audevard,;
  • Help healing : The next step is to repair the damage caused by the mud mange. It is necessary to apply a healing and antiseptic cream. Product solutions: Cremassyl - Greenpex, Goferval Forks - HORSE MASTER, Honey Cicabee balm - Goferval - Horsemaster, Tifene ointment - Audevard, Tifene gel - Audevard ;
  • Moisturize the areas : finally, think about hydrating the skin;
  • Food complements : Beyond local treatments, the use of food supplements is recommended. Product solutions : Biotin + - GREENPEX, Hoof Biotin - AUDEVARD ;
  • Cleansing Moisturizing treatment : Finally we will not stop repeating it, but accentuate cleaning, drying and implement additional hygiene measures.

We hope to have given you some keys to understanding the mud mange. Obviously with lightness even if the subject of the dermatophilosis must be taken seriously. We are sure that you will take good care of your Mare or your standard so that she (he) can have a good holiday season.