Cats and dogs even fight allergies

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The allergies a vast subject. We are all confronted with it as human beings, as women and as men. And no, even with all the love in the world you can't protect Doodles et Snoopy against their body's reaction to what they see as attacks; Because yes the question is there, it is the body of your best friend who decides what is good or not for him. Let's try to take an overview of theallergies, main causes, réactions, treatments,… in short, we are going to try to give some keys to understanding.

These signs that do not bode well

We are not diviners on the other hand the association of symptoms as well as behaviours of your chien and / or chat may bug you is not the kind of

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We can never repeat enough that consulting a veterinary to agree with your brigade expert diagnosis canine/feline is strongly recommended or even essential. The idea is to give you some keys to understanding in order to trigger a visit to the doctor of with animals and determine theallergies corresponding.

We are going to be totally frank with you, even the veterinary will ask you a battery of questions in order to understand the origin of theallergies. Why ? Quite simply because it is not obvious, solely from the symptoms and the behavior to define the origin of the evil.

You are going to have the right to a series of questions allowing you to know if, on the one hand, it is indeed a allergies and on the other hand, that it is its origin. What is the environment? Did he eat questionable foods ? Has there been a change in his habits? Your chat did he meet another chat that he didn't know who would have given him something he hadn't asked for without giving anything in return? In short, a battery of questions to understand where the evil comes from and to do what is called a diagnosis of exclusion. Below are some symptoms et behaviours possible. Unlike humans, the allergies with our friends the beasts only rarely manifest as sneezing:

  • Bites : Fangs forward and off you go. Your dog/cat spends his time nibbling his coat to relieve himself;
  • Itching : Only this symptom does not mean anything! Indeed, Mistigri and Pollux spend their time scratching. The dog can relieve himself by rubbing his august hindquarters on the ground. No, he doesn't go sledding;
  • Intensive licks : A toilet yes but insistent, in localized places, unless your cat is Monk, it is not to be taken lightly;
  • Hair loss : Your house has turned into a pile carpet, Warm isn't it?
  • Rashes / Redness : This gives rise to beautiful colors, but it is not easy for your best friend. Cause itching and/or pain;
  • Scabs / Scales : No, a dog does not moult, it comes from elsewhere, it is obvious.
  • Vomiting / Diarrhea : It may be that the fish cakes from the day before were not very fresh…;
  • Conjunctivitis / Watery eyes / Conjunctivitis / Common cold : These symptoms resemble those of their masters;

In order to lose you a little more know that all symptoms/behaviours are not systematic and are not always synonymous withallergies.

Allergy where are you from?

Dog & Cat allergies - Origins: environment, food, fleas, contact -

The origin of monde allergies, unrelated to the famous work of Gustave Courbet, is to be defined in order to correlate the symptoms and the appropriate treatment. Like the four cardinal points, there are four main origins identified.

Hypersensitivity to environmental allergens

Also called atopy, it is summarized by an excessive reaction of the body to the allergens present in the air. In the home it can be the mites, the spores of mold. When your hair ball goes out into the garden, it's the plants, through the pollen which may affect it. Some races are more susceptible to this type of allergy. We are not going to quote them by risk of ethnic discrimination. For example, we are not going to say that 101 little white dogs with blackheads who fear an obnoxious woman named Cruella are more likely to suffer from environmental type allergies. Promise we won't tell!


Decidedly these invaders are found everywhere, in all the problems! As much on a card, it is very practical as much on the back of Spike, this is less true. The flea bites may be poorly tolerated. Toxins are released and it is from these that the body wishes to protect itself.

“Contact” allergy – Allergenic substances or materials

Imagine, Sweety, your angora kitten in the prime of life, wishing to participate in a fine game with his girlfriends felines. She gets the most appropriate outfit to go to a club. A magnificent set all in latex! Suddenly disaster! From plates appear all over the skin just a few hours away from the long-awaited release for months of confinement. The conclusion is clear, Sweety and latex are not made for each other. After consultation with the veterinary, it turns out that a allergies broke out in your feline. Let's get out of this story to introduce you to the 3rd cause of aallergies with your best friends,contact allergy. It is caused by a substance, a in matters of, fabric in short everything that can be in contact with the skin/coat : ciment, latex, household products,… You can also realize this if your chat Or your chien wears a necklace and under it plates appear.


The cereals, eggs, wheat, fish (too bad for a chat), the beef or the dairy products may not be your friends for life. Our life companions are subject to the same allergies than women and men. A reactivity test is easily possible with the power supply. Just put on a diet (Food made of protein as well as carbohydrates) Ralph for 15 days and see if the symptoms disappear. If the test is conclusive, you must gradually reintegrate the foodstuffs to identify which is at fault.

We will deal with the subject and especially the allergy

Allergies - Dog and Cat - We rub -
Allergies - Dog and Cat - We eat -
Allergies - Dog and Cat - We sleep -
Allergies - Dog and Cat - We treat -

The allergies appear at the cat dog adult. Depending on the typology of theallergies, it can be seasonal, unfortunately for you we have bad news, there is a good chance that it will be present throughout its life. the veterinary will guide you on the treatments to use. Here is a non-exhaustive list of ttreatments/actions depending of allergies and symptoms :

  • Shampoos and soothing products : In order to calm the itching for the skin and coat you can orient yourself towards cleaning solutions to calm crises. Generally, a cleaning pressed in case ofirritations is important to avoid any risk of infection. You can also use tablets against hives or a lotion:
  • Adapt power supply : Certainly obvious when a allergy is food you will tell me but also when the origin is different. Below are variations of hypoallergenic kibble which contain omega 3 and 6:
  • Avia Insanis Remedy : You have to put your chat under the gibbous Moon of the 3rd cycle on a platypus feather mattress of 3 years, 6 months, 2 days at 00:01. Every 7 minutes you caress the right ear, then the left ear and finally the right flank while repeating loudly “Pow-Wow”. After 7 nights like this you will realize that it does not work in the least and that “Avia Insanis Remedy” means wacky grandma's remedy in Latin.
  • Antihistamines or immunoregulators : For these treatments, only one veterinary will be able, on the one hand to prescribe them to you and on the other hand to advise you on them.

This new theme is closing, we hear you from here “Again, again, again,…”; No worries, we'll get back to you soon. To put you on the track know that the subject will be bee'in treaty and that Maya will be delighted to see that we are talking about her sorority. See you next April. In the meantime, do not hesitate to contact us with any questions via our contact page.