Everything you need to know about cat dewormer

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When you share your life with a feline, one of the crucial responsibilities is to ensure their well-being by regularly using a vermifuge cat. Ah, the joys of being a parent of a feline! Between the morning meows, the frantic running around the house at midnight and the hairs that seem to multiply everywhere, there's plenty to enjoy. But don't panic, we'll study this together!

When to administer it?

Kittens and puppies are like parasite sponges. Start giving the vermifuge cat from the age of 15 days, every 2 weeks until 2 months, then monthly until 6 months.

It's like giving them anti-parasite armor for their big adventure in the world. For our older, wiser friends, a dose of anti-worm every 3 months is enough to keep these parasites at bay. It’s their little ritual to say “no thanks” to unwanted people.

If you are wondering when is the right time to start the battle of wormer, remember, consistency is key! But if you see your cat walking around with an “I have worms!” sign, it's time to act.

Cat carrying a sign in the street, I have worms to be treated

What are the signs of a cat that has worms?

Does your cat suddenly look like a Vogue cover model? Mysterious weight loss? Kibble spit out like he was practicing for a throwing competition? Perhaps it's time to say “hello” to the little tablets that save.

How do you know if a cat needs deworming?

  1. Upon Adoption: Your new furball probably came with a few uninvited squatters. Deworm upon arrival for a pest-free housewarming.
  2. Before the Great Love Adventure: If your cat is venturing into the world of feline romance, make sure she's clean inside before playing Cupid.
  3. Baby on the Road: If your cat is expecting babies, she already has enough work with her nine lives. Deworm it to avoid passing the baton of parasites to the next generation.
  4. Post-Infestation: If your cat has already been the playground of a crowd of worms, a good sweep with a specific dewormer is necessary for a parasite-free revolution.
Cat taking her cat dewormer

Discover our selection of cat dewormers on Produits-Veto.com

At produits-veto.com, we are committed to providing the best products for your pet's health. Among our range of worming, Milbemax stands out for its recognized effectiveness against round and flatworms.

In addition to the mitemax, we offer other trusted options:

  • Drontal : For targeted protection against intestinal worms.
  • Milbetel : Effective dewormer against flat and roundworms, easy to administer thanks to its delicious meaty taste.
  • panacur : Ideal for young animals, it prevents infestations from an early age.

Trust produits-veto.com for effective and affordable deworming solutions. Order now to ensure the well-being of your four-legged companion!

Deworming your cat may seem like a battle, but it's a battle you can win! With a little humor and a well-planned deworming schedule, you can keep your cat healthy and ready for their next adventures. So, arm yourself with patience, tablets and maybe even a few cat treats, and embark on this mission worthy of a feline superhero!