Discover the MDR1 Gene Mutation: Understanding to better protect our animals

Article MDR1 - Dog - A -

We are going to introduce you to the fascinating field of genetics,… Wow, obviously we have lost a few! Don't worry, we'll try to make it fun. You are ready ? Let's go !

What is the MDR1 gene in dogs?

Prepare yourself for a dive into the thrilling world of canine genetics, Ladies and gentlemen ! In the corner of the ring we have the famous MDR1 gene, aka the “Multi-Drug Resistance 1“, a star of the DNA of our furry friends. This gene is like the Physio/Bouncer of the party, controlling the substances that enter and leave the club cellular. More graphically, I think it's impossible.

Article MDR1 - Dog - Nightclub bouncer -

What is the MDR1 gene mutation?

Article MDR1 - Dog - MDR1 to ABCB1 mutation -

You don't think it gets exciting, we introduce words like mutation. Please note, we are not talking about mutations like in your childhood cartoon, Ninja Turtles. Imagine it MDR1 gene doing a little genetic dance, and bam, here comes the immigration ABCB1. MDR 1 evolves into ABCB1! A genetic transformation that mainly affects our trendy four-legged friends, like collies and australian shepherds. This immigration produced the P-glycoprotein, the knight who emerges out of the night to eliminate foreign substances in the body.

This is all great, but why does it matter?

Article MDR1 Dog - Medicines -

Seen as we present it to you, you can say to yourself that it's great genetic but no! Every good thing has its downside in this merciless universe!

This immigration can make your doggies super sensitive to some medications. Imagine them with sunglasses, waddling to the rhythm of pest Control, analgesics and tranquilizers, but sometimes these medications are not very nice to them. Unwanted side effects can appear, it's like the party suddenly turns sour.

Want to know if Lassie is affected?

Lassie is actually one of the breeds prone to this gene, Collies but they are not the only ones. The following cousins ​​are also affected by this predisposition: the Australian shepherd, Collie, Border Collie, and unfortunately others. However, remember that all dogs could have a part of this gene of star hidden in them.

Article MDR1 Dog - Collie Breed -
Article MDR1 Dog - Australian Shepherd Breed -
Article MDR1 Dog - German Shepherd Breed -
Article MDR1 Dog - Shetland Shepherd Breed -
Article MDR1 Dog - White Swiss Shepherd Breed -
Article MDR1 Dog - Nova Scotia Retreiver Breed -
Article MDR1 Dog - Bobtails Breed -
Article MDR1 Dog - Other Breed -

Do you want to know for certain? Is my dog ​​affected by this mutation?

It is possible to make a genetic test for that. You can do this at your veterinary adored, as if they were casting for a dog reality TV show. If your dog lands a role in the ” MDR1 Show ", your veterinary will know how to adapt the treatments the best. Because, we wish to remind you, we are not experts, simple messengers, your veterinary remains the great knower of history.

Article MDR1 Dog - MDR1 Test -

Concretely, what are the signs of this mutation?

If your chien begins to breathe strangely in to throw up as if he were rehearsing a scene from a Shakespeare play, having the diarrhea as if he is competing for the title of kennel champion, or if he is showing signs of pain ordiscomforts, it's time to play detective canines.

Contact your veterinary or an veterinary clinic, but don't try to play doctor to dogs at home. Be prepared to give details of drug and the quantity administered, if possible.

My dog ​​carries the MDR1 mutation!

Small reminder, you are not authorized to say if your chien is carrier or not. We know you love Doctissimo, but that doesn't make you a veterinary. With that said, when you have confirmation that he is a carrier, you need to take some precautions.

Treatments must be adapted to this immigration. Your veterinary is like a style advisor for dogs, except that it won't tell you which outfit to choose, but it will help you choose the medications the safest and most appropriate. An example, the Milbemycin present in the mitemax, Milprazin or Milprazikan, it's not really a friend of Super Toutou who has transferred.

So, share this crucial information so that our four-legged friends can continue to frolic / dance in complete safety!